Quality of Service

The flag field values associated with the three supported Quality of Service levels are defined in the Fixed Header section. This section gives more information about the meaning of the QoS levels. The Protocol Flows section defines the sequence of messages that  are required for each level.

QoS 0: In "At most once" delivery, the message is delivered according to the best efforts of the underlying TCP/IP network. No response is expected. No retry semantics are defined in the protocol. Consequently, the message will arrive at the destination broker either not at all or once.

Care should be taken to understand the context of reliable delivery, i.e.  QoS 1 and QoS 2: certain classes of failure can still cause the non-delivery of a message. Each message with QoS 1 or QoS 2 is accompanied by a Message Identifier in the Variable Header.

QoS 1: In "At least once" delivery, the arrival of the message at the broker, including its successful placement onto an MQ Series queue, if applicable, is acknowledged by a PUBACK message. In the event of identifiable  failure of the communications link, or of the sending device, or after some period of time of non-receipt of the acknowledgement message, the sender will resend the message with the DUP bit set. Consequently, the message is "certain" to arrive, but could arrive more than once.

QoS 2: In "Exactly once" delivery, additional protocol flows are employed above QoS 1 to ensure that duplicate messages are not delivered to the receiving application. This is the highest level of delivery service, and is used when duplicate messages are undesirable. Of course, there is a price to be paid in terms of network traffic, but often this is acceptable because of the importance of the message content.

Quality of Service assumptions

QoS 1 and QoS 2 rely on a number of assumptions. There are aspects of the area of "assured" or "reliable" delivery that are fraught with problems. Specifically, the areas for attention are "in doubt" windows, where a device could fail at just the wrong moment, and a system could be left in a state where one end of the link doesn't know exactly what happened at the other end. This means that true "guaranteed" delivery is extremely difficult to achieve under all circumstances, and so we must make some assumptions about the nature of the devices and networks that we are dealing with and conclude that we have a pretty good chance of reliably delivering messages.

It is assumed that both client and broker are generally reliable, and that it is the communications channel which is most likely to be unreliable. Moreover it is usually the case that if the client device fails, then it is a catastrophic failure, rather than a transient failure, so the chances of recovering data from the device are low.
Some devices may have non-volatile storage, such as flash ROM, which would allow the most critical data to be stored more persistently on the client device to allow it to survive some failure modes.

Beyond simple communications link failure, the failure mode matrix becomes extremely complex, and there are just too many scenarios to cater for in a specification such as this.

That is the level of assumption that is being made in this protocol specification, and this should be borne in mind when writing applications using this protocol.

Message Identifiers

For "At least once" (QoS 1) and "Exactly once" (QoS 2) delivery, a Messages Identifier accompanies each message and its subsequent acknowledgement message(s). This is used by the client and the broker to identify which message is being referred to, and thus to track the progress of the protocol exchange ultimately leading to successful delivery of the message to the receiving end of the link (the client or the broker), and the deletion of the message from the sender.

The Message Identifer is a 16 bit unsigned integer, which will typically increase, but is not required to increase by exactly one from one message to the next. This assumes that there will never be more than 65,535 messages "in flight" between one particular client-broker pair at any time. For more details, see the Variable Header section.

Note that Message ID 0 (i.e. 0x0000) is reserved as an invalid Message ID. This is to avoid erroneous actions if a Message ID is accidentally omitted.


The time delay before attempting to resend a message that has not been acknowledged, is application specific, and it not dictated by this specification.


ASC and AN on recovery
We discussed the addition to the protocol of some generalisations of the PUBACK messages to allow a client or broker to query the status of an in-flight message during recovery processing. This would help with cleaning up long outstanding messages on transmit queues. However, it was concluded that a combination of the nature of the existing protocol flows, with retries and DUP flag, and some degree of awareness of failure scenarios at the application level makes this complication of the protocol unnecessary.

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Last Modified: 24-Jun-99