Fixed Header Format

Note: All data values will be in little-endian order, that is, lower order bytes preceed higher order bytes. A 16 bit word would be presented on the wire as LSB, then MSB.
The only exception to this the length field of a UTF-encoded string, which is defined by the standard to be network-ordered, i.e. big-endian.

A fixed length header will always be present for each message. The fixed length header will consist of 2 bytes containing the message Type, Flags, and one byte of the Remaining Length field.

The format of the fixed length header is as follows:
byte 1 
Message Type
DUP flag
QoS level
byte 2 
Remaining Length

Message Type Field

Position: byte 1, bits 7-4.

The Message Type field is represented as a 4 bit unsigned value. The enumerations of the Type field defined at this version of the protocol are as follows:

Mnemonic Enumeration Description
Not used, but reserved
Client request to connect to Broker
Connect Acknowledgement
Publish message
Publish Acknowledgement
Publish Received (assured delivery part 1)
Publish Release (assured delivery part 2)
Publish Complete (assured delivery part 3)
Client Subscribe request
Subscribe Acknowledgement
Client Unsubscribe request
Unsubscribe Acknowledgement
PING Request
PING Response
Client is Disconnecting
Reserved for future use

Note that message type 0 is not a valid message code.

Flags Fields

The remaining bits of byte 1 contain the Flags fields, with the bit positions encoded to represent the following flags:
Bit position Name Description
DUP Duplicate delivery
QoS Quality of Service

The interpretation of these flags is as follows:

DUP: Duplicate delivery

Position: byte 1, bit 3.

The DUP bit will be set any time the client or broker tries to deliver a PUBLISH message that has already been sent. This only applies to messages of QoS > 0 which require acknowledgement (see below). By definition, when the DUP bit is set, the Variable Header will include a Message Identifier.

QoS: Quality of Service

Position: byte 1, bits 2-1.

The QoS bits are used to indicate the level of assurance of delivery of a PUBLISH message. There are four possible values which can be represented by the two QoS bits. The QoS levels are defined as follows:

QoS value bit 2 bit 1 Descriptions
0 0 at most once "Fire and Forget" <=1
0 1 at least once "Acknowledged delivery" >=1
1 0 exactly once "Assured delivery" ==1
1 1 not used
The interpretation and associated protocol flows for each QoS level are defined in the Quality of Service section.


Position: byte 1, bit 0.

The RETAIN flag is an indication to the broker that this message should be held, if possible, in the broker, and should be sent to any new subscriber to this Topic as an initial message. This allows a complete "current state" of a number of Topics to be quickly established by a new client upon connecting to the broker. This is particularly useful if publishers are only sending messages on a "Report By Exception" basis: it may be a very long time before a new subscriber receives any data on a particular Topic. The data is  known as the "Retained", or "Last Known Good" (LKG) value.

After a SUBSCRIBE to one or more Topics, a subscriber will receive a SUBACK, and then one message for each of the newly subscribed Topics for which there is currently a Retained value. The Retained value is published from the broker to the subscriber with  the RETAIN flag set, and with the same QoS with which it was originally published, and so will be subject to the usual QoS delivery assurances. The RETAIN flag is set in the message to the subscribers to distinguish it from "live" data, so that it can be handled appropriately by the subscriber.

Note that there is no guarantee that a previous Retained PUBLISH to the broker will still be held by the broker, and so the subscriber might not receive an initial Retained PUBLISH on a Topic.

Remaining Length Field

Position: byte 2.

The Remaining Length field represents the number of bytes remaining withing the current message, including data in the Variable Header portion of the message, and the user-defined Payload.
The field is encoded using a variable-length scheme which allows the use of just a single byte for message lengths up to 127 bytes, but which also allows larger messages to be carried when required. The encoding scheme is as follows:

Seven bits of each byte are used to encode the Remaining Length data, and the eighth bit in each byte is used to indicate whether or not there are any following bytes in the representation. Each byte thus encodes 128 values and a "continuation bit".

For example, the number 64 decimal is encoded as by a single byte, decimal value 64, hex 0x40.
The number 321 decimal (=128x2 + 65) is encoded as two bytes, least significant first:
First byte: 2+128 = 130 (note the top bit being set to indicate there is at least one following byte)
Second byte: 65

This version of the protocol limits the number of bytes in the representation to a maximum of four (4). This permits a single message of up to 268,435,455 (256MB) to be sent. It is felt that this will be more than adequate for the foreseeable future.
The representation of this number on the wire would be 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F.

Using this encoding scheme, the Remaining Length values which can be represented by increasing numbers of bytes is as follows:
digits from to
0 (0x00) 127 (0x7F)
128 (0x80, 0x01) 16,383 (0xFF, 0x7F)
16,384 (0x80, 0x80, 0x01) 2,097,151 (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F)
2,097,152 (0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x01) 268,435,455 (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F)

The algorithm for encoding a decimal number into this format is quite straightforward, and looks like this:

X is the number to convert to variable length encoding scheme

digit = X MOD 128
x = X DIV 128

// if there are more digits to encode, set the top bit of this digit
if ( X > 0 )

digit = digit OR 0x80

'output' digit

while ( X > 0 )

Note: MOD is the modulo operator ('%' in C), DIV is integer division ('/' in C), and OR is bit-wise or ('|' in C).

The algorithm for decoding the Remaining Length field as it comes off the wire is similarly straightforward:

multiplier = 1
value = 0


digit = 'next digit from stream'

value += (digit AND 127) * multiplier;
multiplier *= 128;

while ((digit AND 128) != 0);
Note: AND is the bit-wise and operator ('&' in C).

When this algorithm terminates, 'value' contains the Remaining Length in bytes.

Note that the Remaining Length encoding is not part of the Variable Header portion of the message, and so the number of bytes taken to encode the Remaining Length does not itself contribute to the value of the Remaining Length. The "extension bytes" of the variable length encoding should therefore be thought of as part of the Fixed Header, rather than part of the Variable Header.


ASC on the SECurity flag
It has been decided (with Chris Sharp), that since Authentication belongs at the session level, and Encryption is an application level thing which does not involve the broker in any way, the SEC flag has no place in the protocol. So we cheerfully give its place over to the RETAIN flag.

ASC on messages types
We are getting close to the end of our 15 available message type codes. If we need to extend the verb set further in the future, we could coalesce the publish acknowledgements into one message type, and have an additional byte in the variable header to indicate the acknowledgement type. That will free up 3 type codes.

AN on message type 0
During our testing, we have occasionally attempted to decode an empty (zero) first byte of a message. We had a place holder in Protocol version 1 for PING in message type 0. This would erroneously lead to the interpretation of the invalid fixed-header byte as a PING packet. To avoid this risk in the future, we will mark message type 0 as reserved but unused.

AN on DUP bit
We should retain this field. Since field devices should be able to deliver data to the Argo broker reliably, in a potential network error condition any queued publishes that have not been acknowledged should be re-delivered by setting the DUP bit in the header. Note that guaranteed delivery in either direction should observe a  Time To Live in the sense that publish messages from the broker to field devices need to expire when used in conjunction with command based messaging. For example, command based publishes to open or close a valve should happen within near real time. If the message delivery fails, system operation should NOT guarantee the command be delivered at a later time.
ASC comment
The Time To Live/Expire field has subsequently been dropped, as it is an application level attribute, and so should appear in the payload.

AN on SEC bit
I believe that at this point in time we should retain this field within the header but will leave any definition as to the security specification to a later date. To date, all known systems of this type are already running within secure networks. Additionally, the overhead of encryption to a specification targeted for low level embedded systems may preclude some systems.

 ASC on economy of space
What is the breakpoint on the tradeoff between using a smaller type field (combined with the version number), which would require more bit twiddling (i.e. CPU) on the client to get data in and out of it, versus the ease and speed of using a whole byte, despite it being wasteful of space?
AN comment
Bit twiddling is perfectly alright.

ASC on COMP (Compression) flags
Could we move this flag into the Connect packet? Then there might be the issue of some topics requiring compression and others not requiring it. Also, what happens if compression "fails" (i.e. makes the packet bigger) for a certain packet - then we would need to unset the bit. So, I think the answer is NO... leave it in each message.
This is an application level attribute, and will thus be moved out of the Fixed Header and is left up to the application to put appropriate flags into the Payload.

TNH on Session policies
We could consider the option of "inheritance" of policies from the Connection/Session level, which would be passed on by default, but which could be selectively over-ridden where necessary. An example would be the COMP flag, which could be set "on" for a particular session, but turned off when a piece of binary data was to be sent.
This should be considered as a possible future enhancement to the protocol, but will not be included at   this level of the specification.

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Last Modified: 16-Jul-99