Publish a message

The PUBLISH message is the means by which a client sends a message to a broker for distribution to interested subscribers. Each published message is associated with a Topic Name (sometimes known elsewhere as Subject or Channel).
This is a hierarchical name space defining a taxonomy of information sources that subscribers can register an interest in. Any message published to a given Topic Name will be delivered to any connected subscribers who have subscribed to that Topic.

Note that to maintain symmetry, if a client subscribes to one or more Topics, then any messages published to those Topics will be delivered from the broker to the client in the form of a PUBLISH message.

Fixed Header

See the Fixed Header section for more information,
byte 1 
Message Type (3)
DUP flag
QoS level
byte 2 
Remaining Length

The example shown above indicates QoS level 1, first transmission (DUP clear), do not retain.

QoS level

The QoS bits define the Quality of Service requirements for this publication. The defined values for the QoS field are specified in the Fixed Header section, and their meanings are discussed in the QoS section.

DUP flag

For messages of QoS 1 or QoS 2, the DUP bit should be set if this is a message that is being retransmitted after the detection of some kind of failure. This indicates to the broker that it may be a duplicate of a message already received. The significance of this information to the broker depends upon the QoS level. If this is the first sending of the message, the DUP bit should be clear. For QoS 0, the DUP bit is not used.


The RETAIN flag is an indication to the broker that this message should be held, if possible, in the broker, and should be sent to any new subscriber to this Topic as an initial message. This allows a complete "current state" of a number of Topics to be quickly established by a new client upon connecting to the broker. This is particularly useful if publishers are only sending messages on a "Report By Exception" basis: it may be a very long time before a new subscriber receives any data on a particular Topic. The data is  known as the "Retained", or "Last Known Good" (LKG) value.

After a SUBSCRIBE to one or more Topics, a subscriber will receive a SUBACK, and then one message for each of the newly subscribed Topics for which there is currently a Retained value. The Retained value is published from the broker to the subscriber with  the RETAIN flag set, and with the same QoS with which it was originally published, and so will be subject to the usual QoS delivery assurances. The RETAIN flag is set in the message to the subscribers to distinguish it from "live" data, so that it can be handled appropriately by the subscriber.

Note that there is no guarantee that a previous Retained PUBLISH to the broker will still be held by the broker, and so the subscriber might not receive an initial Retained PUBLISH on a Topic.

Remaining Length

The Remaining Length is the length of the Variable Header plus the length of the Payload.
This may be a multi-byte field. See the Fixed Header section for more details.

Variable Header

The Variable Header portion of the PUBLISH message contains the Topic Name and possibly a Message Identifier, if the QoS level is 1 or 2.

Topic Name

The Topic Name is a UTF-encoded string. If Topic Name Compression is available, then this field may (at the option of the client) be compressed. See the Variable Header section for more information. Note that in this level of the protocol, however, Topic Name Compression is not available.

Message Identifier

This field is only present for messages of QoS 1 and QoS 2 (see the QoS section for more details). It should be noted that typically the protocol library would take responsibility for generating this identifier, and passing it back to the publishing application, possibly as a return handle. This approach avoids the risk of duplicate Message Identifiers being generated by multiple applications, or multiple publishing threads, running on a single client.

For QoS 0, Message Identifier is not used, and must  not appear in the Variable Header.

The Message Identifer is a 16 bit unsigned integer, which will typically increase, but is not required to increase
by exactly one from one message to the next.
The ordering of the 2 bytes of the Message Identifier is MSB, then LSB (big-endian).

Message ID 0 (i.e. 0x0000) is reserved as an invalid Message ID, and must not be used.

See the Variable Header section for more information.

Topic Name: "a/b"
QoS level 1
Message ID: 10

The format of the Variable Header in this case would be:
  Description 7
Topic Name
byte 1 Length MSB (0) 0
byte 2 Length LSB (3) 0
byte 3
'a' (0x61)
byte 4
'/' (0x2F)
byte 5
'b' (0x62)
Message Identifier
byte 6 Message ID MSB (0) 0
byte 7 Message ID LSB (10) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0



The Payload portion of a PUBLISH message contains the data to be published. Its content and format is completely application specific. Note that the Remaining Length field in the Fixed Header includes both the Variable Header length and the Payload length.


The response from the recipient to a PUBLISH message depends on the Quality of Service level specified. See the QoS section for more details.The expected  responses are as follows:
QoS 0 no response



Since PUBLISH messages can be sent either from a publisher to the broker, or from the broker to a subscriber, it is worthwhile describing what is expected of the recipient of a PUBLISH message. In the case of the broker receiving the message, "interested parties" means subscribers to the topic of the PUBLISH. In the case of a subscriber receiving the message, "interested parties" means the application on the client which has subscribed to one or more topics, and is  waiting for a message from the broker.

Upon receipt of a QoS 0 message, the recipient should make the message available to any "interested parties".

Upon receipt of a QoS 1 message, the recipient should log the message to persistent storage, make it available to any "interested  parties", and return a PUBACK response to the sender.

For a QoS 2 message, the recipient should log the message to persistent storage, but not yet make it available to "interested parties". The recipient should then return a PUBREC message to the sender.

Further discussion of the actions that the client and broker should perform upon receipt of messages of QoS 1 and QoS 2 appears in the Protocol Flow section.


ASC on SEC flag
After a long discussion with Chris Sharp, it was decided that the SECurity flag has no place in the protocol, so its bit position can safely be given up to the RETAIN flag. The reasoning is as follows: Authentication of a particular client, possibly using certificate exchange, etc, belongs at the session level, and therefore will appear in the CONNECT verb. Encryption is an application-level thing, and therefore belongs purely in the payload - the broker has no interest in whether or not a publisher has decided to encrypt one of its messages.

ASC on Message ID 0
If a PUBLISH message is incorrectly constructed, it is possible for a MID of 0 to appear. Consequently it is reserved as an invalid Message ID to help to discover such errors.

AN on PUBACK return codes
Should we add an error return code to the PUBACK messages, so that the broker has a way of flagging to the client a syntactic error in a publish, such as publishing on QoS3, for example?
ASC comment
We have decided not to do that, as it is specifying client/broker behaviour, which is not in the scope of the protocol specification.

ASC on batching
Is batching of messages required or done in device? e.g. Multiple publishes to same topic batched into one message, or publishes to multiple topics chained together in payload to minimise average header overhead.
AN comment
No. This is often implemented by the application in the form of a "report" with a known format; in effect moving the batching to the application level.

ASC on publish flow control
One option we may consider is the notification of a publisher if there are no subscribers to a topic that has been published to. This would potentially save wasted effort on the part of the client, network utilisation, and broker traffic. There would, of course, then need to be a corresponding notification when a subscriber selected one of the "stopped" topics. Also, this would complicate the protocol flow, as there would now be the possibility of an unsolicited response to a publish of QoS 0 - At Most Once - where no response would be expected. However, the advantages may outweigh the disadvantages. We would value thoughts from Arcom experience on this.
This type of feedback would typically be implemented at the application level; i.e. there is no requirement for it to be explicitly included in the protocol layer. The downside to such an approach, when there are many thousands of remote publishing clients, is that there is the danger of a storm of outbound notification messages if a subscriber connects with a wild-carded Topic Name.

TNH on broker to client PUBLISH
The use of a PUBLISH message for messages from the broker to the client is not consistent with other pub/sub APIs. However, as this is acknowledged to be a specialised protocol, specifically for the purpose of communication between remote, low-end devices and a message broker, and since the SUBSCRIBE by a client is really just a way of mapping the traditional "command flow" from broker to client into a pub/sub paradigm, then we can probably follow this approach.

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Last Modified: 19-Oct-99