Andy Stanford-Clark
andy [at] stanford-clark [dot] com
Isle of Wight Mastodon
Things I've done
CNN - Meet the master inventor behind IBM's AI-powered ships
Our Ocean
- to understand the ocean we need more data
IBM and the ocean decade
- brilliant video filmed by Tom Barnes
Discover the secret of Dinosaur Island
- awesome video!
From solder to speech - the evolution of IoT and Industry 4.0
(that's not my real mum!)
Building IoT '16
- keynote lecture
Thinking Digital 2015 talk
TEDxWarwick talk - Innovation Begins at Home
South Today - Innovation begins at home
YouTube videos and TV/online appearances
Meet Master Inventor & IoT Evangelist, Andy Stanford-Clark
OggCamp talk: The House That Twitters
MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
The House That Twitters
Home Automation and objects that Twitter (tweetjects)
A Master Inventor at Work
IBM video podcast (
low res
transcript (PDF)
Twittering ferries
Vehicle Ferry
Blog items
Documenting Andy's Rule and Law
We posted an AirTag!
Carbon-aware laptop charging
£1 / Watt / Year calculation
My first year as a runner
CEL Robox 3D printer review
Node-RED flows that make flows
My week with a Nissan Leaf
Ancient stuff...
The Next Generation of home power monitoring
Notes on O2 Joggler
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) notes
Viglen MPC-L notes
Film Star for a day
Timeframe, timestamp your real life
Long Live the infocenter!
Review of HomeCamp 08
(Digital Lifestyles)